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Hi👋🏽, I am

Ijeoma Igboagu

Software Deve|

01. About

Learn More About Me

Hi, I am Ijeoma, a software developer passionate about React.js and making tech concepts easy to understand.

I am also passionate about creating visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.


02. Experience

  1. Headstarter AI, Software Engineer

    • • Collaborated with developers to design and develop software applications.
    • • Wrote clean, efficient, and well-documented code for various projects.
  2. Collab Lab, Software Developer

    • • Collaborated with a team of developers to create a web application integrating Firebase for storing and tracking user preferences and purchasing habits.
    • • Implemented Firebase authentication and real-time database functionalities to optimize user interactions and data management.
    • • Conducted code reviews for peers, ensuring high-quality code to achieve a 20% reduction in bugs before merging into the main repository.
    • • Implemented agile methodologies, such as pair programming, sync meetings, and retrospectives, resulting in a 20% improvement in team efficiency and communication.

03. Works

Some projects I haved worked on to back up my claims.

Featured project

Google book app

This web app was created to allow users to search for books they love to read.


Featured project


HealthSmart is an innovative flashcard SaaS designed to enhance your learning experience. Built with Next.js, Firebase, OpenAI, and Stripe.


Featured project

telemedicine website

A telemedicine website is an online platform that facilitates remote healthcare services.

04. Other Noteworthy Projects

view the archive


How To Fetch API Data In React

When developing applications, you often need to get data from an API.


Zustand vs useState – How to Manage State in React Apps

State management in React applications has evolved a lot in recent years.


AI Tools You Can Use in Visual Studio Code Besides GitHub Copilot

AI tools have become quite popular recently. Developers use these tools to help generate ideas and create simple code.

What Next?

05. Get In Touch

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